Nashik To Trimbakeshwar Bus MSRTC | Nashik CBS to Trimbakeshwar Bus Timing | Nashik to Trimbakeshwar Bus Timetable | Bus From Nashik to Trimbakeshwar | Trimbakeshwar to Nashik Bus Ticket Price | ST Bus Time Table

How to reach Trimbakeshwar Temple from Nashik Railway Station
Daily lot of MSRTC & Nashik Corporation buses available for Nashik from Trimbakeshwar. Trimbakeshwar to Nashik distance is 30km and travel time almost 45 Minutes to 1Hr. First MSRTC bus from Trimbakeshwar to Nashik at 5:45am and last bus for Nashik at 10pm.
How to reach Trimbakeshwar Temple
Trimbakeshwar Temple is walkable from Trimbakeshwar Bus Stand. Lot of room options for stay in budget. Temple open early morning at 5:30 and closed at 9:00pm. To avoid rush take darshan pass for Rs.100. To save time for darshan. After darshan you also visit Kushavartha Tirtha hardly 10 minutes walking from Trimbakeshwar Temple.
Nashik to Trimbakeshwar MSRTC Bus Timetable
Bus Route | Bus Time | Ticket Price | Bus Stops |
Trimbakeshwar | 5:00 to 20:00 on Every 15 Minutes 20:00 to 22:00 on Every 30 Minutes | Rs.56 / Rs.31 | Satpur, Mahiravani, Talegaon, Anjaneri, Pegalwadi |
FAQs - Nashik to Trimbakeshwar ST Bus
Nashik to Trimbakeshwar Bus ticket price for Adult is Rs.56/- and for ladies and child Rs.31/- only.
Daily first bus for Trimbakeshar from Nashik around 4:00 to 5:00 am.
The last bus time from Nasik to Trimbakeshwar is 22:00.
Taxi fare from Nashik Road to Trimbakeshwar Rs.100 to Rs.120 Per Person.
Trimbakeshwar Nashik to Distance by road is 30 Km
Travel time required for Trimbakeshwar to Nashik by Bus is apprximately 45Min to 1Hr.
CBS bus stand Nashik to Trimbakeshwar Bus fare or ticket price for Adult is Rs.45/- and for child Rs.25/-
For Bus Ticket Booking
MSRTC | 50% Discount for Ladies & Child in All MSRTC Bus | Click Here |
Abhibus | For First Ticket Booking Rs.100 Discount* | Click Here |
This bus no required reservation. For other bus Online Reservation visit MSRTC official website.