Nashik CBS To Vani Saptashrungi Bus Timetable | Ticket Price

Nashik CBS to Saptashrungi Gad Bus Timetable | Nashik to Vani Saptashrungi Bus Timetable | Nashik to Vani Saptashrungi Bus Ticket Price | Nashik to Vani Bus Ticket Price | How much bus fare from Nashik to Saptashrungi?

nashik cbs to vani gad st bus time table
Bus Time
Ticket Price
Bus Stops
Saptashrungi Gad - Vani
05:00, 05:30, 06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 08:30, 09:30, 10:00,
11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 13:30, 14:00, 14:15, 15:00, 15:45, 17:45, 18:15, 18:30
For Adult Rs.115
For Ladies & Child Rs.58
Dindori, Vani

FAQs - Nashik To Saptashrungi Gad Vani Bus

Nashik to Vani Saptashrungi Gad bus ticket price Rs.115 for Adult and Rs.58 for Ladies & Child.

Nashik to Sapashrungi Gad Vani distance by road is 65Km

73Km distance of Vani Saptashrungi from Nasik Road Railway Station.

Nashik Road is the nearest railway station to reach Saptashrungi Devi Temple. Nashik to Saptashrungi Gad Direct MSRTC buses available.

Yes. Ropeway available at Saptashrungi Gad

Saptashrungi ropeway cost for Adult Rs.90/- & For Child Rs.45/-

MSRTC Bus Reservation Website

Bus Reservation not required for this route. For MSRTC Bus Reservation visit MSRTC official website.

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