Nashik to Surat MSRTC Bus Time Table | Nasik to Surat Bus Timetable | Nashik to Surat MSRTC Bus Ticket Price | Nashik to Surat ST Bus Timing | Nashik to Surat Bus Stops | Nashik to Surat ST Bus Schdule | Nashik to Surat ST Bus Reservation website

Nashik To Surat ST Bus Time Table
In this table Both side Nasik to Surat & Surat To Nashik Bus time table display. In this journey MSRTC bus provide Semi Luxury bus also known as Asiad.
Departure Time | Route | Bus Type |
8:00 | New Shivaji Nagar Pune To Surat Via Kirkee Rly. Stn. | Semi Luxury |
10:30 | Nasik Cbs To Surat | Semi Luxury |
7:30 | Surat To New Shivaji Nagar Pune Via Kirkee Rly. Stn. | Semi Luxury |
8:25 | Surat To Nasik Cbs | Semi Luxury |
FAQs - Nashik To Surat ST Bus
Nashik to Surat Bus Ticket Price For Adult Rs.315/- & For Child Rs.157/-
Nashik to Surat Distance by road is 250Km
Travel time required for Nashik to Surat by Bus is apprximately 8hr.
Bus Stops Between Nashik To Surat Bus
- Nashik CBS
- Nashik Mahamarg
- Vani
- -----------------------------
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