Kolhapur to Nashik Bus Timetable | Kolhapur Bus Stand Timetable | MSRTC Buses From Kolhapur Bus Stand | Kolhapur MSRTC ST Bus Timetable
Kolhapur to Nashik ST Bus Time Table
Departure Time | Route | Bus Type |
7:45 | Kolhapur To Nasik Cbs Via Swargate, Pune | Shivshahi |
8:00 | Gargoti To Nasik Cbs Via Swargate, Pune | Ordinary Express |
11:00, 16:30 | Nashik | - |
18:00 | Kolhapur To Nasik Cbs Via Swargate, Pune | Shivshahi |
FAQs - Kolhapur to Nashik ST Bus
Kolhapur to Nashik Shivshahi Bus ticket for adult Rs.665/- and for child Rs.333/-
Nanded to Beed Shivshahi bus ticket for adult Rs.980/- and for child Rs.490/-
Kolhapur to Nashik Travel time by bus around 11-12Hr.
Bus Stops Between Kolhapur to Nashik
- Wathar
- Karad
- Satara
- Swargate
- New Shivaji Nagar
- Sangamner
- Sinnar
- Nashik Road
- Dwarka
Buses From Kolhapur Bus Stand
4.5/5 - (2 votes)