Kalyan to Swargate Shivshahi Bus Timetable | Ticket Price | Bus Route

Kalyan to Pune Shivshahi Bus Timetable | Kalyan to Swargate Shivshahi Bus Timing | Kalyan to Swargate Shivshahi Bus Ticket Price | Kalyan to Swargate Bus Timetable
kalyan to swargate shivshahi bus time table

Kalyan to Pune is very busy route. Kalyan ST depo runs some ST buses for Swargate to Pune. Shivshahi is AC bus on Kalyan to Pune route. Kalyan to pune shivshahi bus distance 150km and journey time 3-4Hr.

Departure TimeRouteBus Type
5:15Kalyan To Swargate Pune Shivshahi BusShivshahi
7:15Kalyan To Swargate Pune Shivshahi BusShivshahi
9:45Kalyan To Swargate Pune Shivshahi BusShivshahi
12:15Kalyan To Swargate Pune Shivshahi BusShivshahi
14:15Kalyan To Swargate Pune Shivshahi BusShivshahi
17:15Kalyan To Swargate Pune Shivshahi BusShivshahi
17:45Kalyan To Swargate Pune Shivshahi BusShivshahi
19:15Kalyan To Swargate Pune Shivshahi BusShivshahi
21:15Kalyan To Swargate Pune Shivshahi BusShivshahi
For Bus Reservation or Bus Ticket Booking go to MSRTC Official Website.
For Shivshahi Bus Booking
MSRTC50% Discount for Ladies & Child in All MSRTC BusClick Here
AbhibusRs.100 Discount on First Ticket BookingClick Here
FAQs - Kalyan to Swargate Shivshahi Bus

Kalyan to Pune Shivshahi bus ticket price for Adult Rs.349/- & For child Rs.174/- .

First shivshahi Bus for Pune from Kalyan at 5:15am

Bus Stops for Kalyan to Pune Shivshahi Bus
Pune to Kalyan Shivshahi Bus Timetable

Pune to Kalyan Shivshahi bus time table then you click below photo. You also know bus ticket price and bus route.

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