Parbhani to Beed Bus Time Table | Parbhani to Beed MSRTC Bus Timing

Parbhani to Beed Bus Time Table
Parbhani to Beed Bus Timetable (Local ST Bus)
Buses available on every 30 Minutes from 5:30am to 9:00pm.
परभणी ते बीड एसटी बस सकाळी ६:१५ पासुन ते रात्री ९:०० वाजेपर्यंत दर अर्ध्या तासाला
Departure Time | Route | Bus Type |
6:30 | Parbhani To Patoda Via Beed Bus | Ordinary Express |
7:00 | Nanded To Beed Via Parbhani Bus | Ordinary Express |
7:45 | Parbhani To Patoda Via Beed Bus | Ordinary Express |
8:00 | Bhokar To Ahmednagar Bus | Ordinary Express |
8:15 | Parbhani To Patoda Via Beed Bus | Ordinary Express |
9:00 | Darwha To Beed Bus | Ordinary Express |
10:30 | Parbhani To Beed Bus | Ordinary Express |
11:30 | Parbhani To Beed Bus | Semi Luxury |
12:00 | Parbhani To Beed Bus | Ordinary Express |
12:30 | Nanded To Beed Via Parbhani Bus | Ordinary Express |
14:00 | Kalamnoori To Beed Bus | Day Ordinary |
17:00 | Parbhani To Beed Bus | Ordinary Express |
17:30 | Parbhani To Beed Bus | Ordinary Express |
18:00 | Parbhani To Beed Bus | Ordinary Express |
FAQs - Parbhani to Beed Bus
For Adult Rs.226/- & For Child Rs.113/-
For Adult Rs.308/- & For Child Rs.154/-
Parbhani to Beed Distance by road is 148 Km
Travel time required for Parbhani to Beed by Bus is apprximately 4 Hr.
Bus Routes From Parbhani
- Pathri Bus Stand Time Table | Phone Number | MSRTC
- Parbhani Bus Stand Time Table | Contact Number | Ticket Price
- Kalamnuri Bus Stand Timetable | Ticket Price | Bus Stand Phone Number
- Jintur Bus Stand Timetable | Ticket Price | Phone Number
- Vasmat | Basmat Bus Stand Time Table | Ticket Price | Contact Number
Boarding & Alighting Points
- Parbhani
- Manvat
- Pathari
- Majalgaon
- Beed
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