Nashik to Pune Shivneri Bus Time Table | Nashik to Pune Shivneri Bus Timing | Nashik to Pune MSRTC Bus Ticket Price | MSRTC Nashik to Pune Fare | Nashik to Pune JAN Shivneri Bus Time Table
Nashik to Pune Shivneri Bus Time Table
MSRTC introduced JAN AC-Shivneri bus with discounted price of Rs.500/- for Adult and Rs.260/- for Ladies and Child. Daily 14 Jan Shivneri Buses run between Nashik to Pune route.
Destination | Departure Time | Ticket Price | Bus Stops |
Pune - Shivajinagar Wakdewadi | 4:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 12:00,13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 21:00, | Rs.500 / Rs.260 | Nashik Road, Chakan, Bhosari, Nashik Phata |
FAQs - Nashik to Pune Shivshahi Bus
Nashik to Pune Shivneri bus Ticket Price for Adult Rs.490/- & For Ladies and Child Rs.260/- only.
First Shivneri Bus for Pune from Nashik at 4:00am.
Nashik to Chakan Shivneri Bus Ticket Price for Adult Rs.430/- and For Ladies, Child Rs.215/- only.
Bus Stops - Nashik to Pune Wakdewadi Shivneri bus
- Nashik Road
- Chakan
- Bhosari
- Nashik Phata
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